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April 13-22, 2024 | Glen Rose, Texas
The Journey of Soul is a modern day rite of passage ceremony that supports us as we navigate the complexities of life and mark, honor and celebrate transitions. It's a dynamic wilderness rite for people seeking greater depth and clarity about lifes purpose and meaning. The ceremony serves as an initiation into your own soul and deeper layers of true adulthood. This year, we're accompanied by a total solar eclipse during our journey at High Hope Ranch!
The Journey of Soul is a 10 day commitment. The ceremony includes council, deep listening, connecting to the land, community, solo fasting, basic wilderness skills training, story sharing, mirroring, and much more.
These journeys are wonderful for artists and creatives and have been an important influence for me as an artist.
If you are interested in this event, please fill out this registration form. A phone call is also required to register so please contact me directly if you are interested.

Indi Yuyai Cultural Immersion 2024
April 25-May 2, 2024 | Putumayo, Colombia
A Journey into the Jungles of Putumayo, Colombia to immerse in the ancestral traditions of the Inga Tribe.
This Cultural Immersion is an opportunity to learn about the Inga culture by integrating into the lifestyle. For 6 days, we will learn from Taita Sebastian and his wife, Angela, participate in various ceremonies, healings and plant baths, go on hikes through the jungle to visit sacred sites and learn about the flora and fauna, eat directly from the land, share music, stories and integrations by the fire, and learn about the different dynamics of this beautiful culture.
Indi Yuyai, in the Inga de Mocoa language means The Ancestral knowledge (Yuyai) of the Father Sun (Indi). Indi Yuyai is a center for cultural education and aims to continue the work of its ancestors by preserving the ways of the Inga de Mocoa spiritual tradition. The objective of Indi Yuyai is the recovery of indigenous ancestral medicine, the protection, preservation and recovery of nature, sacred sites, ancestral wisdom, and knowledge of Amazonian plants of indigenous cultures and peoples in Colombia and the bordering countries.
Please schedule a phone call to register or learn more about this event.
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